
Differences Between Dust And Orbs

Dust, dirt and debris are normal occurrences in our homes, although most of us don’t give them much thought. Orbs however, are much more mysterious and often provoke questions. Both dust and orbs generally show up in photos, but do you know what the differences are between the two and why they may appear? Here’s a look at the differences between dust and orbs and why you might find them in your photos.

1. Dust and Its Properties

Dust is often caused by airborne particles floating around in the air, including specks of dirt, dead skin, pet dander, pollen and other small objects. When a strong enough light source shines on a dust particle, it can become visible in a photograph. Dust is often seen as a blurry or fuzzy ring around a light source, and its shapes and sizes can vary. It is also typically more distinct when near more direct light sources.

Dust is considered the most basic form of the presence of visible contaminants in images and can easily be eliminated by using a flash diffuser or by cleaning the lens. Dust is permanent and will stay in the image unless removed with post production or photo editing applications.

2. Orbs and Its Properties

Orbs, in contrast to dust, are considered to be a more mysterious phenomenon. Generally captured as round disc-like shapes in digital photos, these strange circular forms can differ in their sizes and hues, ranging from white to yellow, green and red. Orbs have been linked to paranormal activity, but can also be the result of bugs and other airborne particles.

Many photographers believe orbs to be a form of energy and often note seeing them where powerful emotion has occurred. Additionally, they tend to be seen in areas of high EMF (electro-magnetic field) activity and when a subject is feeling highly charged emotionally. Orbs can also appear to form shapes in addition to their circles, such as faces and other strange figures.

3. The Difference between Dust and Orbs

The main difference between dust and orbs lies in their properties. Dust is usually much more indistinguishable than orbs as far as its exact properties or behaviors. Dust typically looks like a relatively ground blur or fuzzy ring when captured in photos, while orbs appear as distinct round shapes, often in multiple colors. Additionally, while dust can remain static, orbs often move around in photos and can even appear to change shapes.

To differentiate between the two, pay attention to the background of the photograph. If there are multiple elements in the background, such as trees or shadows, there is a much greater chance of capturing an orb than just a dust particle.

4. Understanding Dust and Orbs

Dust and orbs are two very distinct forms of contaminants which may appear in photos. Dust usually appears as a static, ground blur or fuzzy ring and is caused by airborne particles, including specks of dirt and other very small objects. Orbs, in contrast, are seen as distinct round circles and are considered to be a more mysterious phenomenon often linked to paranormal activity.

The difference between the two also lies in their properties. While dust is usually indistinguishable, and can remain static, orbs often move around in photos and can even appear to change shapes.

5. Reasons for Dust and Orbs Appearing in Photos

Dust typically appears in photos due to the presence of tiny airborne particles like dirt, dust and pollen. Orbs, however, are believed to be the result of something more complex, such as paranormal energy, bugs and other insects, or a high EMF (electro-magnetic field) activity in the area.

Additionally, orbs may appear as a reaction to a charge of emotion in a subject. People note seeing them more often when someone is feeling highly charged emotionally. Some also believe that there may be communication between people who live in different frequencies, a theory that is often associated with the capturing of orbs.

6. Capturing Dust and Orbs with Cameras

In order to capture dust and orbs with a camera, it’s important to know the differences in their properties. Dust usually appears as a ground blur or fuzzy ring when captured in photos, while orbs appear as distinct round shapes, often in multiple colors. Make sure to pay attention to the background; if there are multiple elements in the background, such as trees or shadows, there is a much greater chance of capturing an orb rather than just a dust particle.

When photographing dust and orbs, make sure to use a flash diffuser or clean the lens to lessen the presence of dust in photos and to present the subject in a more flattering light.

7. Ways to Eliminate Dust and Orbs

The easiest way to eliminate both dust and orbs is by using a flash diffuser to lessen the presence of dust in photos. Removing dust and orbs can also be done in post production or photo editing using a software’s clone or healing tool, or the spot healing brush.

Orbs, however, are believed to be the result of something more complex, such as paranormal energy, bugs and other insects, or a high EMF mind in the area, and therefore, cannot be eliminated through editing.

8. Pros and Cons to Capturing Dust and Orbs

In many cases, dust and orbs are perceived as unwanted distractions in photos. Editing them out of images may be necessary, especially when it comes to professional photos or product shots. Additionally, keeping the lens clean is vital in order to reduce the presence of unwanted dust in photos.

However, when captured intentionally, dust and orbs can be an interesting addition to photos and can add more drama or mystery to a shot. Additionally, orbs are the source of ongoing curiousness and stories, making the capturing of them a more meaningful endeavor.

9. Dust and Orbs as a Creative Media

Dust and orbs can be utilized in a more creative manner as far as photography and other forms of visual arts are concerned. By playing with light and varying the intensity of a flash, a photographer can create interesting glowing patterns which may draw the viewer’s attention.

Orbs can also be used in a more creative way by constructing the scene in a way that captures their movement or behavior. Consider placing the camera in a fixed position and waiting for the orbs to move around the frame. Or, try pointing the light source towards the background to create more interesting shapes in the captured orbs.

10. Summary

All in all, dust and orbs are two entirely different forms of contaminants which may appear in photos. Dust usually appears as a static, fuzzy ring, while orbs appear as distinct round shapes. While dust can be easily eliminated with post production or photo editing applications, it is believed that orbs are the result of something more complex such as paranormal activity and therefore cannot be eliminated through editing. When captured intentionally, however, dust and orbs can be an interesting addition to any photograph.

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Arica Deslauriers

Update: 2024-05-17