Flip Whitworth Dies After Illness, Austin TX, Ex-AHS Mighty Maroons

Flip Whitworth of Austin, TX has sadly passed away after a long illness on November 10, 2022, leaving friends, family, relatives, and other loved ones in sadness and agony.
Flip Whitworth, who was a much-loved husband, father, grandfather, brother, friend, and legal partner, died away at home in peace. He was deeply appreciated by his family in all of these roles.
Flip was born and raised in Austin, Texas, and had spent the entirety of his life in that city. On February 25, 1947, he was brought into the world at that location by parents named Harry Philip Whitworth and Edna Widén Whitworth.
Flip was an Austin native who never left the city. While he was a student at Casis Elementary School, O. Henry Junior High School, and Stephen F.
Austin High School, all of which he finished in 1965 and graduated from, he met a good number of the people who would go on to become some of his closest friends.
Many of these people were introduced to him during his time at these schools. Flip was not only an outstanding student but also boasts an outstanding talent on the sports front. He exerted a great deal of effort in this.
When he was pitching for the baseball team and when he was playing quarterback for the AHS Mighty Maroons, he wore the number 14 jersey with great pride and it was a source of tremendous pride for him. Flip did exceptionally well in school and was recognized for his achievements when he graduated from The University of Texas, where he earned both his Bachelor of Arts degree in 1969 and his Juris Doctor degree in 1972.
Both degrees were in the field of law. While he was a student at UT, he joined the Phi Gamma Delta fraternity and met a number of people who would remain in his life for the rest of it. These friends became some of his closest confidantes. Flip had an unquenchable passion for both the University of Texas Longhorns, his college team, and his sorority.
Flip was a part of both of these groups. Flip was well-known for his pleasant and joyful temperament, which was reflected by qualities such as his bright blue eyes, contagious laugh, and continual smile.
In addition, he had a reputation for being a successful businessman. In addition to that, he possessed a healthy sense of humor.
Flip is naturally gifted with a skill that makes it simple for him to connect with and develop relationships with other people.
His commitment to his family and friends was unwavering, and he pursued all of his passions and hobbies with the same level of zeal as he did everything else in his life.
Within a huge and extensive extended family, Flip was a pivotal member who held a significant position. Along the way of his life, he lost both of his parents as well as his brother, Gary Widen Whitworth, to death.
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