Obituary | Nicole Sosa of San Jose California Passes Away

Nicole Sosa, a resident of San Jose, California, passed away tragically, leaving her friends, family, and other loved ones in sorrow and pain. Nicole was well aware of the fact that to the outside world, she appeared charming and innocent. She radiated optimism and wore a smile that could make anyone and everyone around her leap into action. She was a devoted and loving mother who lived her life in service of her family.
The most important thing in her life was her children. She exerted every effort to provide her family the finest living possible and to ensure that her children had the best upbringing. She also exerted every effort to provide her family with the best living conditions. She was a mother, a sister, a friend, and a daughter, and she gave her all to each of these positions in her life. We will sincerely miss her positive outlook on life and the warm embraces she made sure to provide to everyone around her.
Her family consists of her sister Courtney Baskin, her niece Jayla Baskin, her nephew Jayden Baskin, her aunts Renee (Scott) Osteen and Andrea (Ronny) Gibson, and her uncle Richard Baskin. Jayla Baskin and Jayden Baskin are her niece and nephew, respectively. Her mother Kimberly McSwiney, her father Robert Felix Baskin, Jr., her maternal grandparents James R. and Glenda K. Emery, her paternal grandmother Frances “Moppy” Butterworth, and her husband Alfred “Ja” Baskin are among the people who are able to carry on after her passing.
Obituary And Burial Arrangements
Nicole Sosa’s funeral arrangements will be revealed by Sosa’s family. The family and loved ones will share details about the obituary, funeral, and life celebration at the appropriate time. We will do our best to keep you updated on them.
Our heartfelt condolences go out to the deceased’s family and friends, who have been struggling with the loss of such an intelligent and compassionate individual.Thanks for reading from Ghsplash a news publishing website from Ghana. Share this article, For spelling mistakes and other related issues contact us