
Tiwana Turner GoFundMe raises more than $3,500 after Rockdale county student attacks teacher in vira

On Thursday, January 26, 2023, Rockdale educator Tiwana Turner broke her leg after she was supposedly attacked by an understudy in a study hall fight.

As per Hurray, the occurrence happened at Legacy Secondary School in Rockdale, Georgia. Tiwana Turner purportedly attempted to train a female ninth grader, blamed for punching the educator a few times after the contention heightened.

Because of the seriousness of Tiwana Turner’s wounds, individuals from the local area have raised a pledge drive to help the instructor while she recuperates monetarily. The pledge drive has raised more than $3000 of a $50,000 objective.

On the GoFundMe page, coordinator Jean Gun said that Tiwana Turner’s wounds may life-change. Gun said that when the occurrence occurred, Turner had been functioning as a substitute.

“Ms. Turner was covering one more class in lieu of her associate’s nonappearance. At the point when Ms. Turner endeavored to divert the off-task conduct of one of the understudies, the understudy continued to go after her genuinely.”
She added that Ms. Turner wouldn’t have the option to get back to work until additional notification.

“During the assault, Ms. Turner was tossed to the ground and supported various wounds. She is presently hospitalized with knee and leg wounds, and can’t walk. She won’t be getting back to work at any point in the near future, and she will require broad restoration and treatment.”
An understudy at the scene, whose personality was kept, told Channel 2 journalists that while the thought aggressor shouldn’t have beaten the educator, Tiwana Turner likewise played a part to play in the episode.

“It wasn’t alarming, it was stunning. She’s a very decent educator, yet the way in which she talks, she converses with hostility. How she converses with kids is definitely not a legitimate method for conversing with them.”

The understudy’s mom expressed that to forestall such occurrences later on, instructors need to track down a more quiet method for drawing in with getting rowdy understudies.

“What I think the issue is, is the educators are not taking a class on the best way to manage kids. You need to learn de-heightening strategies to help those children as opposed to disturbing a circumstance.”
The parent of an understudy at Rockdale Secondary school told Yippee columnists that different understudies ought to have stepped in to help Turner.

“This large number of different children, they ought to have been finished up and something. I mean for what reason do you allow them to treat an educator that way?”

As per Jean Cannon, Tiwana Turner is an English Language Expressions Teacher with very nearly thirty years of involvement with the state funded school system. The Rockdale school organization has expressed that the assault is at present being scrutinized and that the suspect will confront results.


Zora Stowers

Update: 2024-05-18