
Top 15 Canadian Indie Wrestlers WWE Should Sign

Throughout the history of World Wrestling Entertainment, wrestlers featured week in and week out on WWE programming have predominantly been American, and seeing how WWE is based in the United States, it's only to be assumed. Lately however we've been seeing more and more Superstars and Divas coming into the WWE from all around the world, WWE is seeming much more interested in acquiring the best talent not only in America but wherever they can find it. Seeing as the first initial in WWE stands for WORLD, it's refreshing to see the amount of diversity in the product today. Alberto Del Rio, Wade Barrett, Sheamus, Paige, Becky Lynch, Rusev, Cesaro, Emma, and Kofi Kingston are current examples of this. We have even more examples of international Superstars in USA's friendly neighbor up north, Canada, which over the years has brought us the likes of Bret Hart, Roddy Piper, Chris Jericho, Edge, Trish Status, and Christian.

Presently we have a few new Canadian Superstars that are making an impact for themselves in the WWE. Kevin Owens, residing from Montreal, has already managed to defeat John Cena, become a two-time United States Champion, is a former NXT Champion, and has already established himself as one of the biggest threats for the WWE Championship. Tyler Breeze, born in British Columbia, has quickly managed to become a fan favorite with his ridiculously funny Prince Pretty gimmick, and his talent in the ring is undeniable. We also can't forget about Tyson Kidd, Natalya, Sami Zayn, and Ty Dillinger in NXT.

Speaking of NXT, they've been recently bringing in even more talent from around the world, and with rumored signings of a few New Japan Pro Wrestling stars, I think it's time WWE starts looking into acquiring even more talent up north as well; as Canada has proven time and time again that they have some of the most technical wrestlers we've ever seen.With WWE's recent signing of AJ Styles and even Samoa Joe, we know WWE is open to bringing in wrestlers who have already been established elsewhere. As an example, we all know how successful the signings of CM Punk and Daniel Bryan were, who were well known within the independent circuit way before they were even considered by the WWE. There are independent wrestling scenes all over the globe, and Canada has its own stars scratching and clawing for a possible spot on the WWE roster.With a rumored brand extension approaching, and with NXT only rising in popularity, we may experience one of the biggest WWE rosters ever in the next year. So why not look at 15 Canadian Wrestlers (in alphabetical order) that WWE should really consider looking into for their expansion.

15 15. Ashley Sixx

A true fighter, Ashley Sixx began his long wrestling career in 2002 and after a successful ROH tryout in 2013, he would be diagnosed with Stage 3 Hodgkin's Lymphoma in April of that year which temporarily put a stop to his career. Thankfully for him and his many fans, Ashley was able to beat cancer and would shockingly return to the ring a year later and became the inaugural Superkick'D Champion in Toronto, proving that if you have enough passion for something, nothing can stop you. Ashley Sixx has since formed a group appropriately called The Cure and they're pretty freakin' awesome.

Hometown: Toronto, Ontario

14 14. Cherry Bomb

Known for being one of the best female wrestlers in North America, Cherry Bomb began her career in 2005 and would land her first major gig with SHIMMER in 2008. Cherry was one of many women to help shape SHIMMER into becoming the go-to promotion for women's wrestling.

If fans are impressed with women's wrestling now, it's only because they haven't seen what women outside the WWE like Cherry Bomb have been doing for years. Though she would receive a WWE tryout in 2010 to no avail, with the "Divas Revolution" currently happening, Cherry Bomb would be a great contender for the butterfly belt.

Hometown: London, Ontario

13 13. Cody Deaner

Beginning his career under the name Cody Steele in 2000, he would later change his name to Cody Deaner, adopting a trashy redneck gimmick that would make David 'Joe Dirt' Spade a little envious. In 2004, Dean would make an appearance on Smackdown, wrestling Kurt Angle with the Olympic Gold Medal on the line. Pretty big stakes for his only WWE match!

Though he wasn't signed to WWE, and would appear in TNA in 2009, his major accomplishments are 17 championships throughout his career in the independents. The man needs one more accomplishment, and that is a contract with the WWE. They are in need of a comedy act and if you watch any of his YouTube videos, you'll see why he's so good.

Hometown: Malahide, Ontario

12 12. Danny Duggan

"The man with arms of steel. An ass with sex appeal. He's jacked, he's fanny packed, he's Hotshot Danny Duggan." As technical as he is a powerhouse, Danny Duggan has it all. The looks, the skill, and the cocky attitude that he'd need to fit in just well in the WWE. He has eight championships to his name in Canada as well as the United States. He has competed for ROH, and even runs his own promotion in Western Canada, the CWE. A fighter who is also business savvy, Danny Duggan has over ten years of experience under his belt but he is just getting started.

Hometown: Winnipeg, Manitoba

11 11. Dynamite Dylan Davis

An East Coast sensation who has already made quite the name for himself in an impressively short amount of time. "Hip Hop" Dylan Davis started as a white boy thug from Newfoundland in 2008 but would eventually change up his style, adopting the name "Dynamite" Dylan Davis. It didn't take long for him to develop a devoted fan base, being voted Newfoundland "Wrestler of the Year" and Davis is without a doubt Legend City Wrestling's biggest star.

Hometown: St. John's, Newfoundland

10 10. Ethan Page

Approaching a decade long career, Ethan Page is all ego; and with good reason. With 12 championships to his name, he is not only a gifted wrestler but has phenomenal charisma. Give him a mic and he'll have no problem working the crowd over every night.

It didn't take long for Page to plow through the Ontario indie scene, and has since moved up the ladder by wrestling matches in not only ROH, but Chikara and Evolve as well. It's only a matter of time before he jumps ship to something greater.

Hometown: Hamilton, Ontario

9 9. Jake O'Reilly

Though he wants us to believe he's from Ireland, Jake O'Reilly is actually one of Ontario's most vicious wrestlers. He is known all over Canada and has won eight championships throughout his career, which began in 2003. Even though O'Reilly's wrestled in TNA, his biggest accomplishment is wrestling in All Japan Pro Wrestling, one of Japan's biggest wrestling companies. Though his signature piledriver may have to go if he were to join WWE, he'd have no issue adapting to their style.

Hometown: Barrie, Ontario

8 8. Kris Chambers

If the Heartbreak Kid proved to be a success, why can't the "Half Baked Kid" Kris Chambers be one as well? Chambers has been high flying throughout Canada for almost 14 years now, has wrestled for WXW in Europe, spent time in FCW back in 2010, and is presently part of stoner faction called Kush: 420. During his run in Kush, he's been main evening in Toronto for the better part of the past year, jumping off of 20 foot ladders and anything else crazy you can think of. With one title under his belt, Kris Chambers is destined to find even more success in the WWE.

Hometown: Toronto, Ontario

7 7. Mike Rollins

With a body already built for the WWE, Mike Rollins... or "Psycho Mike" as he likes to call himself, has no problem showing his competitors why exactly they call him "psycho". Wrestling for almost nine years, he has an ability to inject humor with intense violence, and has managed to capture two Championships throughout his career thus far. If Rollins were to step into a WWE ring, we'd have to see who is more of a lunatic; Mike or Dean Ambrose!

Hometown: Waterdown, Ontario

6 6. Phil Atlas

An accomplished wrestler who exudes passion, Phil Atlas is known for constantly putting on good matches. Whether it's winning eight championships throughout North America, competing in All Japan Pro Wrestling, grappling with Vladimir Kozlov on WWE Smackdown, or slipping on a black mask as his alter ego Black Bushido Atlas (or Bushido) can tell a great story no matter what character he plays.

As one of the most respected wrestlers in Canada, we could definitely see Atlas wrestling for the NXT championship in the near future. It would be interesting to see him play his Bushido character in NXT, as it hasn't been done before, and is a mix between a weird stalker and Tuxedo Mask from Sailor Moon.

Hometown: Windsor, Ontario

5 5. RJ City

Every time RJ City steps into the ring, he has one goal in mind and that's to entertain. Early in his career, RJ would receive two of Ontario Indie Wresting's "Most Improved Wrestler of the Year" awards in 2008 and 2009 and has since managed to capture five Championships throughout a nearly ten year career.

RJ has shown that he's a well rounded performer, playing Gildar on Nickelodeon's Splatalot! and landing himself a few movie roles,  He's got the wrestling chops too, and it shows in the ring. RJ is a true talker that we could see having his own version of the Highlight Reel - Maybe on NXT?

Hometown: Richmond Hill, Ontario

4 4. Shane Sabre

Starting off his career as a masked wrestler, Shane Sabre would slowly phase that gimmick out and develop his new persona, teaming up with Kirk Warmack to win his first Tag Team Championship as a cocky up-and-comer with something to prove. Unfortunately, his partner would get injured, but Sabre was able to continue the momentum as a singles competitor. Sabre soon become a fan favorite, and for only being in the business for less than four years, he is the current Superkick'D Champion, a pretty impressive feat for a rookie.

Hometown: Sutton, Ontario

3 3. Space Monkey

A monkey, trained to wrestle... in space. Yes, this is Space Monkey. With less than two years of experience, Space Monkey has already made quite a splash in the indie scene. Known mostly in Canada for his out-of-the-box character, his signature move involves him slapping his opponents in the face with his monkey tail.

As ridiculous as this sounds, it's actually pretty awesome and no matter where he goes he always gets the crowd behind him. If a character like Blue Pants proved to be a hit in NXT, so can Space Monkey.

Hometown: Somewhere in Canada. But currently in orbit...

2 2. Tyler Tirva

Making his WWE debut (in a losing effort against Vance Archer and Curt Hawkins) only three years after making the choice to become a wrestler, Tyler Tirva likes to call himself professional wrestling's hottest free agent. And the claim rings true. A three time champion and current PWE Heavyweight Champion, Tirva can nail a top rope elbow drop that would make Shawn Michaels proud. Voted "Ontario's Sexiest Male of the Year", we could see Tyler Tirva facing off with Tyler Breeze, the match could be billed to determine who is the prettier Tyler.

Hometown: Woodstock, Ontario

1 1. Tyson Dux

Though he has made several appearances on Heat, Velocity, Smackdown and even Saturday Night's Main Event, it is shocking that Tyson Dux has yet to sign a contract with the WWE. He's one of Canada's top stars, also wrestling for TNA, ROH, and All Japan Pro Wrestling throughout his 19 year career.

Starting off smaller more fit for the Cruiserweight Division, "Textbook" Tyson Dux started off as a comedy act with his wacky signature dance, but eventually would pack on the beef associated with a heavyweight and develop an attitude. Dux is done with the games and ready to show the world why he's the best unsigned talent in professional wrestling.

Hometown: Newcastle, New Brunswick


Arica Deslauriers

Update: 2024-05-18