
Woman Is Admitted to Hospital to Deliver Quintuplets, Doctors Say She's Not Pregnant at All

Paul Servat, 2014 | Barbara Bienvenue and Paul Servat, | Source: Facebook.com/NOWradio | Facebook.com/KHQLocalNews

Doctors were baffled when they admitted a woman to the labor room, expecting that she would be welcoming quintuplets, but found nothing inside. Continue reading to find out what happened.

It is joyful to be in love, especially when the other party feels the same. When this is the case, lovers grow more connected over time until, eventually, they get married, and some even welcome children together, expanding their family.

A heavily pregnant woman standing and holding her belly while looking outside a window | Source: Shutterstock

When two people who love each other conceive, they are happy and hopeful as they look forward to the child's arrival. That is why one man was devastated when the doctors revealed the truth about his girlfriend's pregnancy.

How Did the Couple Meet?

Paul Servat met Barbara Bienvenue, on an online dating site, and they hit it off immediately. A month later, the woman revealed that she was pregnant, and in his mid-30s, Servat did not mind becoming a father.

Pregnant woman holding her belly with her hands | Source: Pexels

The resident of Quebec, Canada, looked forward to being a first-time father with the woman he was in love with, even if they'd only been together for a few months. At first, they thought she was expecting twins, but the numbers steadily increased until she told him they were having quintuplets.

Servat and Bienvenue Got Help from Their Community

When Servat and Bienvenue told a friend of theirs, who chose to create a Facebook page for them out of the goodness of her heart, they were showered with gifts and well wishes from their Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu community. Geneviève Laflamme, who once welcomed twins in the past, also tried to be closer to the future mother.

An expecting couple sitting on the floor while cradling the woman's baby bump | Source: Shutterstock

As time passed, Laflamme would give the expecting mother tips on what to anticipate and where to get financial support. More gifts rolled in, and Servat was a happy man looking forward to welcoming his children. He couldn't wait to meet them — all five, saying:

"Even my parents, they were so looking forward to having grandchildren."

A pregnant woman wearing a purple dress. | Source: Pexels

Meanwhile, Laflamme was more discerning and started to suspect something was off after she noticed some things weren't adding up. For instance, a week before the due date, Bienvenue revealed that she was actually going to be delivering quintuplets.

Laflamme found that hard to believe, but mothers on Facebook did not, so they continued to shower the couple with gifts and the likes. However, soon enough, the truth was revealed.

The Truth about Bienvenue’s Pregnancy

In March 2014, Bienvenue and her boyfriend made their way to the hospital to deliver their children. However, after running a blood test, a nurse called Servat to a corner and broke the news to him.

A photo of a pregnant woman cradling her growing belly. | Source: Pexels

It turned out his lover had not been pregnant with quintuplets, nor was she pregnant at all. She had either been pretending all along or imagining it. At that moment, Servat's world crumbled before his eyes.The man had already purchased five colorful cribs for the babies.

As tears rolled down his face, Servat said, "I lost everything; it was my whole life." According to Laflamme: "He was crying on the phone. He was devastated; he didn't understand."

It was such a shocking revelation that the man even refused to believe it until he was told it had been a phantom pregnancy because, in truth, Bienvenue was showing physical signs of carrying a child. Her stomach was bloated, she started lactating, and she even had to deal with morning sickness while carrying her phantom babies.

Doctors also reassured him that things like that did happen, which is why they chose to keep her in the hospital for mental evaluation. A broken Servat returned home alone to deal with the mess she'd created.

A close-up photo of a pregnant woman in a white dress and holding her stomach | Source: Pexels

Following the disappointment, Servat returned the gifts they received to their donors and sent the rest to charity. Servat also discovered that Bienvenue had gone through the same incident before.

It Wasn’t Bienvenue’s First Rodeo

While it was clear she was suffering from the delusion of pregnancy in this case, reports have claimed that Bienvenue had pulled the same stunt with another man from her past. What was worse was that her family knew about it.

They could have warned Servat if they'd known him, but apparently, Bienvenue cut them off so they wouldn't know. The ill woman's family said she also didn't tell them about being "pregnant" again. They also confessed:

"But honestly, we never would have thought she was sick enough to do it again."

There are two types of Phantom pregnancies: one is pseudocyesis, wherein the victim manifests signs of physical pregnancy, like missed periods and protrusion of the abdomen, but no actual fetus. The other condition is known as a delusional pregnancy, in which a victim has the conviction that she is pregnant but is not.

Bienvenue had to be put through a mental evaluation to determine the root of the problem. However, no matter the findings, nothing will bring back Servat's "babies." A post on the former couple's Facebook page read:

"Not only has he lost someone he had fallen in love with, but also four babies who had become his 'joie de vivre."

At the same time, nothing will fix the embarrassment of having to send the gifts back or heal the breach of trust between him and Laflamme, who had been kind enough to help them launch a Facebook campaign for the babies' safe delivery.

Losing a child is never easy, and Servat practically lost five of his, which was devastating. Hopefully, he has healed from the emotional damage it cost him. His ex-girlfriend's male relative said he didn't deserve to live with the trauma of what Bienvenue did.

For her part, Bienvenue was sent to receive psychiatric care. Her relative noted how she needed special care as they worried she'd do the same thing repeatedly. Servat has since cut ties with the woman who turned his life upside down.

Click here to read another story about a woman who thought she was expecting five children only to get a devastating diagnosis.


Arica Deslauriers

Update: 2024-05-19