Fame | Benny Gantz net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024
How old is Benny Gantz? When is Benny Gantz's birthday? Where is Benny Gantz born? Where did Benny Gantz grow up from? What's Benny Gantz's age?
Benny Gantz Born: 1959 (age 64years), Kfar Ahim, Israel
Is Benny Gantz married? When did Benny Gantz get married? Who's Benny Gantz's married to? (Who's Benny Gantz's husband / wife)?
Benny Gantz Spouse: Revital Gantz
Benny Gantz Education: National Defense University, Tel Aviv University, University of Haifa
Benny Gantz Party: National Unity
Benny Gantz Current position: Member of the Israeli Knesset since 2019
Benny Gantz Previous position: Deputy Prime Minister of Israel (20212022), MORE
Carisa Kissane
Update: 2024-05-21