Monster Hunter Rise all Frost Island relic locations and maps
Scattered around Monster Hunter Rise’s maps like Frost Islands are collectible messages called relic records. Both messages and rampage messages look like notes tied to swords stuck in the ground. Approach them, and on-screen text says “old message.”
When you collect all old messages in an area, Kagero the Merchant rewards you with decorations for your room. Find all Frost Islands old messages, and you’ll get a Goss Harag carving and a Tetranadon carving.
In this Monster Hunter Rise collectibles guide, we’ll show you the location of every Frost Islands message and rampage message. Our numbered maps correspond to your in-game notebook, and our screenshots show all relic records locations.
All Frost Islands message and rampage message locations
There are 10 Frost Island messages and two rampage messages in the Frost Islands area.
Frost Island message locations
There are 10 relic record messages to find in the Frost Islands. The numbers above match their entries in your Info > Hunter’s Notes > Notebook menu.
Frost Islands message 1
In the center of location 7, wirebug up to the top of the stone and ice column. There’s a shrine at the top. You’ll find Frost Islands message 1.
Frost Island message 2
Grid View
- Frost Islands message 2 location. Image: Capcom via Polygon
- Frost Islands message 2 location. Image: Capcom via Polygon
This message is situated close to location 1, but it’s easiest to reach from the main camp. From the camp, head west and look for a huge tree arcing west. Climb the trunk — this will probably take two wirebug charges. Once there, wait for your wirebug to recharge and climb again. Frost Islands message 2 is at the top of your second ascent.
Frost Island message 3
Climb up to the clearing east of location 4. Face south toward location 2, and look up the wall. There’s a tiny cave in the cliff face right next to a tree. Wirebug up to it, and you’ll find Frost Islands message 3 inside.
Frost Island message 4
Starting from the closed-off area between locations 4 and 7, head southeast along the broken bridge. Look for a tiny passage in the southeast corner of the area. You’ll find Frost Island message 4 inside.
Frost Island message 5
On the north side of location 5, climb to the top of the rocky peak and look for the Melynx’s gatherings spot there. On the west side, there’s a large snowman (snowmelynx?). Destroy it with a barrel bomb to reveal Frost Islands message 5.
Frost Island message 6
Head to the north of location 8 and climb onto the shipwreck there. Climb to the crow’s nest at the top of the ship’s mast to find Frost Island message 6.
Frost Island message 7
Grid View
Go to the northeast corner of location 11 on the lower level of the map. There’s a small tunnel to squeeze through that will lead you to a hidden room. Stick to the left (west) wall, and watch for a small ledge above you. Wirebug up to find Frost Island message 7.
Frost Island message 8
From location 5, climb up onto the cliffs to the east. There’s a narrow ledge running along the eastern edge of the map. Watch for an alcove marked by a torii gate. You’ll find Frost Island message 8 inside.
Frost Island message 9
Head to location 9 on the upper level of the map. To the northwest, you’ll see a couple of icy spires with a wooden bridge between them. Use the ledges to climb as high as you can — you’ll have to get pretty creative with your wirebug, so make sure you grab an extra on your way. You’ll find Frost Island message 9 near the top on a snowy ledge.
Frost Island message 10
To pick up the last message in Frost Islands, start from Frost Islands message 9. On the ] ledge below, look for a tunnel leading north and through the spire. On the other end, use the jewel lillies and great wirebug to zip over to location 12. Just before you land, though, use your wirebug to land on the ledge above location 12 (you can’t get to it from below). You’ll find Frost Island message 10 there.
Frost Island rampage message locations
There are two rampage messages in the Frost Islands area. The numbers above match their entries in your Info > Hunter’s Notes > Notebook menu.
Frost Island rampage message 3
North of location 6, look for a the bridge-like ridge of stone that leads west (down to a fishing location). Climb up on the east side of the gap and wirebug across to the west. When you land, rampage message 3 is behind the tree on your right.
Frost Island rampage message 4
In the southwest of location 6, climb over the snowy and icy cliffs to the back (southeastern side) of the ridge. You’ll land on a snowy ledge along the southeastern edge of the map. Look for some jewel lillies and place a great wirebug. Take that, and it will drop you at the top of a peak high above location 6 where you’ll find rampage message 4 (and a mining outcrop).