Oksana Masters parents: Who are her real parents?

Oksana Masters is a multi-sport Paralympic athlete from Louisville, Kentucky of Ukrainian heritage.
Masters was born in 1989 in Ukraine and was placed for adoption shortly after birth. Her first seven and a half years were spent in the broken orphanage system of the nation.
Masters is now a world athlete with two bronze World Cup medals and one bronze at the UCI Para-Cycling Worlds.
At the 2016 Paralympic Games in Rio, she competed in handcycling events, finishing fourth in the road race and fifth in the timed trial.
Oksana Masters parents: Who are her real parents?
Her real parents abandoned her to a Ukrainian orphanage, where she remained until the age of seven.
She had multiple radiation-induced birth abnormalities, including tibial hemimelia (differing leg lengths), missing weight-bearing shinbones in her calves, webbed fingers with no thumbs, and six toes on each foot.
Who is Gay Masters?
Oksana was adopted at the age of seven by Gay Masters, an unmarried American speech therapy professor with no biological children.
She taught at the University of Buffalo and the University of Louisville for a living