
What is a patreon pledge?

Short version: Patreon is like a tipping jar. Pledge any amount OR based on what is included in the pledge tiers. Payment is at the first of the month. As for the technical part of it, Patreon allows you to ‘pledge’ money to your favorite artists to an amount you can specify.Click to see full answer. Similarly, you may ask, how much does it cost to use patreon?All pledges over $3 will use what Patreon refers to as the “industry-standard” rate of 2.9 percent plus 30 cents, which is what payment processing companies such as Stripe charge. Those paying with PayPal from outside the U.S. will be charged an extra one percent. Again, these new fees apply to future creators only.Beside above, what is a custom pledge on patreon? Every Patreon creator page has a default “custom pledge” option that patrons can choose. While the custom pledge suggestion defaults to $5 USD / €5 Euro / £5 British Pounds, the minimum amount a patron can give to a creator is $1 USD / €1 Euro / £1 British Pound. Then, what is patreon and how does it work? Patreon is a platform that allows fans or “patrons” to pay creators for their work. Unlike Kickstarter, though, Patreon funding efforts don’t stop after a single project or deadline. Instead, Patreon lets donors become ongoing supporters of their favorite creators’ work.Is patreon a monthly fee?To become a patron simply create an account, add your preferred payment method and join a creator’s membership! One is a monthly subscription where you pay per month. The other is a per creation subscription where you pay based on the number of creations a creator posts in that month.


Lorie Orum

Update: 2024-05-21