Cleo Abram Husband Zachariah Reitano And Their Age Gap
Cleo Abram husband Zachariah Reitano is 31 years old. Cleo on the other hand is a year younger than her partner, she is 30 years old.
Zachariah was 28 years old when he was featured on Forbes 30 under 30 list in 2020.
Cleo was born on January 25, 1993, in New York according to Famous Birthdays.
Reitano was just 21 years old when he founded his first company Shorut a decade ago in 2013.
He founded his second company Ro at the age of 25 years old. He graduated from Columbia University at the age of 21 with a bachelor's degree.
As Cleo and Zachariah just have a year of an age gap between them, they make a beautiful couple together.
Cleo was 28 and Reitano was 29 years old when they got married in their backyard two years ago in 2021.
Abram shared an appreciation post on her Twitter account last year on her birthday, she looked back at her big year, 2021, and remembered getting married, quitting her job, starting a new youtube channel, and watching her niece learn to talk. She did not share any celebratory pictures with her followers.